Capstone Capital Partners’ blog is for the real estate investor’s continued education, insight into Texas markets, and pertinent information on the real estate industry. Have more questions beyond this blog?

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Chandler Hansen Chandler Hansen

Starting Small?

Starting out small, learning the process through experience and expanding your role as you participate in more and more deals is the road many investors take.

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Chandler Hansen Chandler Hansen

Don’t Fly Solo

Experienced real estate and private note investors will tell you they didn’t get where they are by trying to do everything on their own. Yet many of those same people will also tell you they didn’t do exactly that when first starting out. Here are some people you should surround yourself with.

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Chandler Hansen Chandler Hansen

Hard Money Works

The benefits of hard money or private lending are many. These funds provide individual investors with returns much greater than they can get from a stock or mutual fund while at the same time secured with a physical asset- real estate.

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